Tuesday, May 12, 2009

CBD- FC 8km

Someone mentioned that I look tired tonight when i reached the usual start point. But i felt ok leh...

The run start at 7pm sharp, this evening the CBD gang was smaller. I supposed it was the peak training for SD marathon last week, that many took break tonight. Just started off the run, my left ITB started to act up. It was not painful, but just tight. I just took it easy and run behind the pack.

Stop to rub the side of my left tight occasionally, I just continued the slow pace following behind the group. Running up Fort canning wasn`t tiring, but my ITB just could not hold well tonight. I was not prepared to injure myself more, so tonight will be a easy 8km recovery run for me.

Only one loops around the loops of FC, I waited for the terence, tao and regina to finish their loops. We took our relax pace, walk-jog-chat back to start point. Time to heal the ITB.

1 comment:

kops21 said...

How come didn't ask this ITB expert to help you?