Saturday, May 16, 2009

Easy run 16km

The engine was not able to warm up properly this morning, quads was tight and the calve was tired. mind was weak. I think the body was still trying to recover from the over night run over the last weekend.

never mind, just finish the distance tonight in a easy relax mood. This morning was accompanied by LT, Yankee, Gene. Planning was 8km to NSRCC and back to B1.

Lot of chatting, walking break and slow jog, we managed to complete the distance in about 2hour+ time.

"red stars" Tim Sum after the run. Today, i managed to find "someone" that eat more than me. haha. esp coming from a lady. She got potential of our KL day&night makan trip, and she probably win it. haha.

Distance: 16km

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