Saturday, June 27, 2009


Bike session starts at around 450am this morning, I was accompanied by LT and Tao. We are aiming to do a 40km loop around towards mandai and back to start point at MR. I was at a normal pace this morning, just wanted to see if I could survive this training session. Riding in the morning, the cold air filled my lung. it was very uncomfortable. I had to slow down and even stop by the side for drinks, Reaching mandai shell, I decided to do another loop before the others catches up. In the end, I managed to clock 50km when i reached MR.

time: 1 hour 35mins.
average pace: 28km/hour

Run session start at 710am, with the accompany of yankee, stuck, fennel and KJ. We continued the run at a slower pace. I was testing out the leg today, aiming to see if i could still finished the first tactical halt in a sub 25mins. in the end, we managed to reach in 22mins.

Waited for a while, we reorg the group and walked towards the ranger station. I need to poo. Continued to the ammo dump, we took a quick short cut back to the start point.

distance: 13km
time: 2hour 05mins.

good session today.

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