Sunday, June 28, 2009

Recovery Brick

This morning, LT, Tao, Yankee and myself started the swim at around 715am. idling for a while, we make our way to the open water. once walked into the sea, "ouch" i got a cut on my right toe. damn it!

The sea floor is muddy, many little stones, nearly got cut a few time. I manged to walk 50m into the sea, before the water got to my neck. I have call the couple to come nearer before we starts the swim. still low tides, but no choice.

I was aiming to the jetty, I was trying to remember my sighting, half front crawl and half breast stroke. struggle a bit toward the uturn point. ST joined us on the way back. Swimming back, I started off in the back and once start, I felt that I could swim better, the arm was stronger and the leg was faster. in no time, i finished reached the start point, while the rest was still in the middle. how come i was so fast? hmm...

Est distance: 800m

Run starts after a quick shower and change of shoe. There was no much effect of tired quads, maybe the swim distance is too short. The leg was strong and the breathing is good, make a stop at the toilet, took a quick drink and continued to mac Donald before u turn. saw brokie along the way. Took a breather and chat, we continued back to the start point. Running back, the brisk walker had started their walk, we had to stop, siam and run around those walker many time, before i decided to stop by the hawker to reorg the group. a slow run back to start point with ST.

Distance: 7km

a good rewards at the RED STAR for brunch after these 2 days of training.

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