Thursday, June 25, 2009


Have you ever have a co-worker that you simply can`t seem to have a link of communication? it seem like you and that co-worker can`t seem to be able to understand each other idea, can`t create a common topic and not even a joke? what worst is, when you are joking with others and that co-work somehow just walk in, the joke just die off. what worst is, that co-worker "thinks" that the joke is on him!

We try to come clean with him, by explaining that it was meant to be someone else, and not on him. sometime, we joke about his friends, relatives, he get protective, so time even offensive. Always asking for a clarification a from joke. This make us staying clear of him and try not to joke "anything" that is related to him at all. I have try my very best, not to even come close to talking about him with others, but i guess it was unavoidable since we are working in the same firm. It was frustrating enough when we are trying to avoid him and now every time when we make a joke, we have to tell him about those joke, just in case his misunderstood.

well, I just had enough of this! and i shall not explain about my jokes, my comment to him or anyone, no more clarification, no more explanation anymore, I am sure, my good friends would be able to distinguished a joke from a tell tale.

This remind me of the movie "a Few Good Man"

when Kaffee (Tom Cruise) asked:"I want the Truth"

Col Jessep (Jack Nicholson) shouted back:" You can`t handle the Truth!"

Gym session

Bike warm up
120 Watts

Bench press
weighs 60
4 x 15 reps

back press
weigh 35
3 x 12 reps

bicep curl
weigh 35
3 x 15 reps

abdominal training

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