Saturday, June 6, 2009

MAYDAY, We got a "Missing" Too

Breaking out of our usual run after Sundown, we gathered this morning for a morning rides. LT, Tao, Regina, Batz and myself were riding this morning.

Planning to do 3 x 17.5 mandai loops, we meet each other at 645am and batz at the half way mark. started off slow and relax, we reached shell mandai and Btaz were already waiting for us there. started off the ride, LT suggested to make it more interesting for the rest by going into zoo and "test" the hill there.

The hills wasn`t difficult, it is just steep but short. if you are not prepared, you might pushed it up. anyway, everyone reached Zoo at different time, expect for one. I waited at least 30mins before I was activated to go for a "Search and Rescue" Mission. Hmm where to start first leh.. when i reached the junction of zoo, either you turn left or right mah.. so i choose left loh, I am betting that she might continued toward the start point and give zoo a miss since that last time she had to push up her precious to zoo.

reached Shell, u turn and continued the route, up, down the hill again, until i was existing thru seletar reservior, Tao called me, The lost Too lost her way and finally make it back. Aiyo.. never mind la, think she now know the route by the hard way.

finally after another big loops to make the training complete, we had nice tim sum breakfast before going back home. Leg was strong and the spirit was high today. I think the Sundown training for 6 month of run only, really make the different in our physical and mental endurance.

Distance: 95km
Time: 3hour 30mins

1 comment:

terence0023 said...

i waited for you guys till 9.15 before leaving cassauria prata... no wonder u all so late..