Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Recovery from Diarrhoea

not sure what i ate over the weekend, maybe is the nasi lemak? maybe is the buffet at night? my bowel was loose and it diarrhoea no holds bar. damn it!

The distance tonight was planned 13km, starting of the run, the pack was staying together. I was not ready to run fast tonight, just easy breathing and light on the leg. Running togther with Tao and chat thru and back. We u turned at the about 5km mark, while the rest continued to the stadium.

Running back, the weather was cooler, breathing recover and we run easy back to start point. lot of chatting with Tao along the way. good recovery for me.

Distance: 10km


Tekko said...

Fennel also had some problems. Did u guys went same place after your run on Sat for makan and got the same thing?

Burnz said...

hmm.. actually, regina also got some bowel problem..

the only thing that we ate together are the nasi lemak leh. maybe is the chili.. hmm..