Monday, June 1, 2009

The Ultramarathon 84km

"my heel hurt like hell during the day without any reason, initially, i thought it would recovered quickly, probably in the afternoon."

I took a nap at 4pm and my last meal at 5pm, before changing into my running gear and prepared for the run. During the dinner, i was reminding myself when i should start refilling and when i should be stopping for a break. J drove me to the start point at changi point, we met up with the team quite easily.

First loops 42.195
It felt like my first marathon when i step into the starting pan, but this was slightly different, I will be running 2 x marathon rather than 1. looking around me, there were many different expression seconds before the race starts. I would not help but wondered again, why am i here. Doesn`t a marathon distance enough to satisfy my needs for pain?

First 16km, was difficult, my breathing was out, the pace was too fast for me and my heel was still killing me. athough the welcoming 5mins walked in between, I wasn`t able to keep up the pace with the team. I don`t know why the body just could not keep to the pace. it was not fast. i have to give up the team, but to run individually.

when i reached the 19km mark, just running pass the u turn mark, the leg felt better. I would pace better, but the team was not in slight anymore. Running up the bridge, I saw them. Good, I am not too far away from them.

We meet the first support team with LT, Terence, tiwass and Charlotte.. maybe there were others, but i could not really remember. sorry guys. I was given food and drinks, moral was higher when i met them. I continued my journey.

Before reaching the over head bridge, Bee and Ronnie had a small store setting up there, took some yoko and a few pcs of water melon, I had to run off. thanks guys. Running pass the sgrunners support, Esther shouting my name, go go go! Laser will pace you second round. I gave her a thumb up and continued running.

35km- 42km
After bedok reservoir, I meet up with LT and gang at the mosque. I knew i am finishing my first round. took more drinks, I completed first round 5 hour 40mins.

Second round 42.195km
actually, I could not really remember how i struggled for the second round of the 22km in the coastal road and ECP. I only remembered I was trying to run as much as possible with laser pacing mostly in front of me, I remembered that i saw some ultra marathoner particpant, sleeping at the side road, I am wondering now, if they could finish the distance, for myself, I had to take breaks and seat down to rest my legs for a few time.

When i reached the support station with Stuck and Regina, I remembered the kopi. this is the one that peak me up for at least 7-8km with some pace. This time, I was running with Regina and the pace with much comfortable. I remembered telling Regina, that this was one of the races, that many did not really cares about timing and who you pass by, you just want to complete it all within the cut off timing.

Last lap to destination
I remembered asking myself a few time, why am i running back here again? and these slopes does not feel the same, the first time i ran it in the evening. The morning sun was almost up when i reached tekko and gang supports table. The coke was like a heaven sent, it was good enough for me to run another 5 more km to the last supports table. thanks guys!

Finally, when i reached the mosque for the second time, I was about to just seat down and stop running! took another drink, I have no choice, but to carry on. I was "mad" cursing myself for taking part of these kind of races and starting to wonder if project 2010 would be as suffering as this! my 2010 buddy batz and laser joined me for the final 3km back to the ending point and I cross the finish line at 13hour 35mins. I am a 84km Ultra marathoner.


Tekko said...

Congratulations, you did well despite the punishing conditions and lousy route.

kops21 said...

well done my friend. you didn't give up! Project 2010, will be equally challenging with longer hours expected. More aches and pains await the fools come D-Day! Provide the 20-30hrs training hours per week don't kill you FIRST!

Ronnie said...

Congrats for finishing this tough race. In fact, we are worried for you & wishes that we can wait for you for the 2nd round to see if you need additional help. But too bad, we can't. Very sorry about that !

ST...... said...

Well done you!!!! Definitely deserved more beer and a good rest now... before starting the next killer training session :)

Burnz said...

Hey friends,

thank you once again for being there for me when the time get tough. I might not be the strongest or the fastest, but i am a survivor. but journery like this without support from you is very difficult to get by.

thanks you once again, next year, i will be in the supporting role.

roentgen said...

This is an amazing achievement! Well done staying the course even though the conditions were so tough :)