Friday, July 17, 2009

Good Day Thursday?

I woke up, somehow not feeling as fresh as i wanted to be. I thought the night off would give me some recovery back. in the end, i only had woke up at 5am, toss, turn till 7am. what a bum.

Swim session
time: 40min.

I am not sure why i am so slow, probably, i am taking it too easy on the first sets and try to play catch up. body was giving the signal of tired. never mind. i will rest and see how the weigh session later.

Session 2 Weighs

I have to start earlier as it was school night. not much of a warm up, i proceed for the first sets. squats.

weighs 30
3 x 15 reps

weighs 60
2x 15 reps

weighs 100
2 x 10 reps

not sure, when was the last time i did a 100, but it feel good. i know i will walk like a duck on friday. haha

chest press (dumb bell)
weighs 60
3 x 12 reps

back press
weighs 35
3 x 15 reps

shoulder press
weighs 30
3 x 12 reps

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