Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Taking it easy night

Afternoon Bike session at the gym, I am trying something different from the previous bike session i did in the past.

Bike Trainer
Time: 50min
Average cadence: 92
Watt: 125
Distance: 31km

I am taking the "watt" seriously this time round, and result in tired, nearly cramp leg. haha, i am loving it. i think i burn about double calories than before. nice.

session 2- Weighs

chest press (dumb bell)
2 set of 15 reps
weigh 60

2 set of 15 reps
weigh 50

Bicep curl
3 x 12 reps
weigh 45

shoulder press
3 x 12 reps
weigh 30

abdominal exercise
40 reps

Actually, was planning to do a run tonight, but time was again no in my favour. never mind la, at least i got a hair cut. take some rest tonight.

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