Thursday, July 9, 2009

Gym Session

The body felt quite good today, not sure why. either my recovery is getting faster or am i not training hard enough?

I started off the afternoon session with 20min on the bike, keeping at 130watts. I found a new and more efficiency way to train on the bike trainer. spinning at 130- 150watts really put some stress on the leg. but i liked it. I will do more of such spnning in longer time.

after the warming up session, weigh time

Back press
weigh 35
3 x 15 reps

bicep curl and shoulder pulled
weigh 35
3 x 15 reps

bench press (dumb bell)
weigh 50
2 x 12 reps
weigh 60
2 x 12 reps

weigh 40
2 x 12 reps
weighs 90
2 x 12 reps

Total time: 1 hour 30mins. good session today.

in the general training plan for a IM, most of those who did it advice to do at least 20 hours a week. I mean, how to? don`t they have to work? family. I understand and probably would do 10 hour session on the weekend. but weekday? 10 hours for 2 session a day, it is possible. never mind, i shall try it. I know i am not weak, i know i can do it.

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