Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Mist?

430am, 8 of us ( LT, Regina, Batz, Seal Boon, KK, Freddie, Charmane and myself) were are piece reservoir gathering for a ride in the morning. it wasn`t the first time i did a ride at this hour. starting of the ride, we were cruising to the mandai shell station, I was behind batz and drafting him thru out. I could see him peddling and as usual, i had to disturb him la. haha.

the group reached shell station, waited for 10mins for LT and regina. before we decided to continued to LCK road. Riding towards kranji, the pace was getting faster. I could not see the rest, but only thomas and KK by the side. they are fast man. drafting each other, the pace was 35km/hour on a average. The weather was cold and misty too. a bit eerie, if you have to ride alone.

Reached LCK road, we took a break, while waiting for the rest to catch up. Then 3 of us saw "something" a light coming towards our direction from far. it couldn`t be a "Banga" as it was fast. then a lady on aero position just swoosh past us into the small lane. wow. at about the same time, 3 of us asked each other if we did saw a lady on aero pasting us? we concur. when the group reached, 3 of us decided to give chase just to confirm. finally saw her again along the road. heng har!

We reorg again at the bus stop outside armour camp and make our way back to shell. The pace back was even faster. Took a break and waited for LT and regina to reorg, we continued to make a big loop ending at zoo, while LT make his way home. then "it" happen, just when i was about to finish my firs tloop and yes, it was the first time i have to change to my tyre (rear) damn it location Zoo. oh well, at least it is not a virgin anymore.

we ended up with breakfast and drinks at a prata shop along chong pang before making our way home.

distance: 88km (12km short of plan)
Time: 3hour 30min.

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