Friday, July 3, 2009


I skipped school tonight, no mood for any lesson. I wanted to meet Joanne for dinner, but she got other plans. so no choice, i decided to go for a swim since i have not hit the pool for sometime.

The hamstring and quads was still tight tonight, I was aiming to do 1.9km in the pool. no time intented. once hit the pool, the water was cooling, not cold. just nice for me. the first 20laps was easy, I could swim well, probably I was drifting someone. took a minute rest, i continued another 4 laps per set and rest a minute in between. arm and shoulder was strong tonight, i think the gym session help alot.

I managed to complete these sets until about 2km, or is it 1.9km. time 45mins. a good session tonight. but the hamstring was still tight. die la, tomr run sure suffer.

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