Saturday, July 11, 2009

Triple H Ride

This morning, 9 of us gathered at changi village at 7am with our bike, aiming to conquer the everlasting mountain of hills. Desaru. of cos, being at changi village, how can I miss the famous nasi lemak.

Taking our bike to the bumboat was a first time for me, it was refreshing actually. 9 of us, LT, Tao, cfred, charmine, fennel, joanne, regina, roonz and myself stack our bike one by one at the front of the bum boat where we took our seat behind. an hour ride with some bumpy wave, we finally reached Pengerang and we were bliss with shower. When i was walking up the slope, i took a slow motion fall, damn it.

thanks to Tao for the arrangement for the bikes, we slowly and steady, escorting joanne and fennel to the town. where we meet Too kang and his father in law. We took a head count and off we go for a roller coastal ride. why does it call a triple H ride? Heat, Hills and Head wind. Riding towards desaru, I could attain 30km/hour on average and some part at 45km/hour down hills. but still i could not catch up with Too kang, only able to come close to him when he started to peddle off.

We make a u turn at the junction, some took short cut when they saw us. We try to make a reorg just a few km after the un turn point and waited for the last man to reach. We only manage to wait for 10mins and took off without LT and regina. Going back, the head wind was terrible. as fast and hard as i try to go, the meter just showed 20- 25km/hour, going up hills was worst. This make my thoughts of the coming langkawi event. what if the head wind is the same and i have to suffer 7hour of this, I would be in hell of a trouble.

We managed to gather everyone at the restaurant while waiting for Regina to arrive. When she reached, she was in shock. I think this desaru trip really stretch her to a certain limits. While the rest are still strong and feel good. we had a good lunch and proceed back to the jetty. a good ride session. really live up to the name "Triple H".

The body wasn`t tired at some point, only some ache at the back (maybe due to the long aero position when i was trying to hide the head wind and some shoulder ache. let go back again soon :)

Distance: 108km

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