Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2 days training log

Monday: time spend: 60mins
Afternoon gym session always makes my day.
16mins on the tread mills
distance: 3km

3 x 12 sets of Bench press
weigh: 50

3 x 12 sets of back press
weigh: 25

bicep curl and lat lift
3 x 12 sets
weigh: 35

Afternoon swim start at 12pm.
400m of warm up
600m 2nd set
500m 3rd set
Time: 38mins. with 1 mins rest interval
end up with tired shoulder. good session.

tonight menu was at MF 4 loops. a big crowd was gathered tonight, once 7pm, We start running up the hills. the leg was strong but the body was`t. I could felt the the arm was still tired from the afternoon swim, but endurable.

once I reached the btm of the hill, I was struggling even when i was at the bottom climbing up. walk a bit, finally reached the top. One round tonight.. that what I am capable of doing only. The body was starting to reject and I felt like vomiting. lucky for the rain, we proceed back to the start point after 1 round. haha chatted with Gen on "work" got some enlightenment. thanks pal.

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