Saturday, August 8, 2009

Base Training for TNF

This morning, I was not sure if i should be going for this run. I woke up at around 450am, not after a few snoozes and tossing. Took my water bag along, I had trouble dragging myself to the car.

I managed to reach the starting site at ECP B1 while the rest had not arrived. Waited in the car for a while, bits and pieces of the gang coming in, while the last one reached 610am. Started the run at 615.

I could feel the the ankle wasn`t too well today, maybe it come with the mood. but i am sure it will get better once we are making some distance. True enough and glad i went for it this morning, I was feeling better. While half of the group makes a 24km, the rest decided to take it easy today. I estimated a 21+km with a drink at the u turn point.

By the time, i reached the restaurants toilet, I was already limping. walk, limp, jog, walk again. I saw many familiar faces along the road, some we knew and had friendship from desaru, sgrunners and some are the fatbirds.

Distance: 21km
Time: 2hour 50mins.

anyway, welcome come back to Singapore, Lionel. time for more bak kwa and durian. keke.

1 comment:

roentgen said...

Thanks Burnz... will definitely stock up on bak kwa asap! :P