Saturday, September 5, 2009

Here, There.... Where?

This week was quite hectic for me, there are changes in my work and there might have a "chance" let see how it happen next. keeping my finger cross, please don`t let me down!

Tuesday night was the CBD Fort Canning Run. I managed to reached the start point just in time and started off the run with the gang. running towards FC was ok, I think the nice weather play a good combination. 4 loops around FC, I had enough. The leg was tired, but i think it is doable for another 1-2 laps more.

Thursday evening, before class, I did a quick laps in the pool. I notice that there are many class in the evening and the laps was almost full. 20lap is all i could do and off to school.

TNF Introduction Run.
This morning, we gathered at NP for a 27km Trail Run, North Face style. Running off at about 7am, we are mostly conserving energy in the beginning. I just wanted to last the run without much walking.

Running The North Face route was not as easy as expected, the hills or hump were never ending, lots of mud and did i say "hills". TNF route make MR seemingly easier in my opinion. 22km in 3hour 30mins. include some orientation from the guys. next time, we will aim 1 1/2 hour per 10km.

ended up with aching legs, the good kind of ache. bike session tomr will be tough.

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